Monday, December 12, 2011

Why do i feel like im not tall enough and not good looking enough to get girls attention?

Im 5'5'' and hispanic. I am already 21 years old and i might grow a few inches. But it wont really matter, in fact even bulking up and looking muscley and lean wont help. People think people that are as short as i am are compensating for ever little thing imaginable. I am also subconscious about my because it is not big at all...actually on the smaller side of average. It really is killing and bothering me. I am letting it dwell on me that i believe i am going to have to go to prison or a mental hospital. Ive been alone and a virgin forever. Screw my life. Im going to end up dating some really obese chick who is fugly. Thanks to social engineering... and brainwashing onto women.


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