Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Buying a new b guitar - need recommendations?

I just bought a new b a few weeks ago and i got the mexican made fender precision b and i love it but you really don't know what your going to get until you get to the store. I spent a lot of time going through the guitar center website and there was a lot of stuff that was there at the store but not on the website and vice-versa. Just go on a day where your not doing anything, you don't want to be rushed when your picking, and play anything you like. Guitar center has no problem letting you try out what you like so take advantage of that. Anyway, i highly recommend the fender precision because it works for any genre of music. i play everything from RHCP type funk to ska/punk and it works for everything. Do look at guitar center online for a starting idea, it cant hurt.


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